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Yves R. Simon [35]Yves René Marie Simon [8]Yves René Marie Simon [3]
  1. Man and the State.Jacques Maritain & Yves R. Simon - 1952 - Ethics 62 (2):144-146.
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    A General Theory of Authority.Yves R. Simon - 1962 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    First published in 1962, this classic study examines the relationship between authority and justice, life, truth, and order. Simon, himself a passionate proponent of liberty, defends authority as an essential concomitant of liberty.
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    The Definition of Moral Virtue.Yves R. Simon - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    Yves R. Simon explores moral virtue in this piece through identifying three moral positions common in modernity that attempt to substitute the traditional concept of virtue, as well as discussing the distinction between nature and use of sources of good or evil. He also discusses the distinctions between habits and opinions, as well as the virtue and science. He gives clear examples that make this book enjoyable for readers of all levels to understand moral virtue.
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  4. The tradition of natural law: a philosopher's reflections.Yves René Marie Simon - 1965 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Vukan Kuic.
    The tradition of natural law is one of the foundations of Western civilization. At its heart is the conviction that there is an objective and universal justice which transcends humanity’s particular expressions of justice. It asserts that there are certain ways of behaving which are appropriate to humanity simply by virtue of the fact that we are all human beings. Recent political debates indicate that it is not a tradition that has gone unchallenged: in fact, the opposition is as old (...)
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  5. The Definition of Moral Virtue.Yves R. Simon & Vukon Kuic - 1986 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1):113-114.
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    Practical knowledge.Yves René Marie Simon - 1991 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Robert J. Mulvaney.
    Yves R. Simon (1903-1961) was one of this century’s greatest students of the virtue of practical wisdom. Simon’s interest in this virtue ranged from ultimate theoretical and foundational concerns, such as the relationship between practical knowledge and science, to the most concrete and immediate questions regarding the role of practical wisdom in personal and social decision-making. These concerns occupied Simon from his earliest published writing to the final notes and correspondence he was working on at the moment of his untimely (...)
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  7.  17
    Work, Society, and Culture.Yves R. Simon - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    This is a book that is stimulating, provocative, as well as very enjoyable reading.--Modern Age.
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    On Order in Analogical Sets.Yves R. Simon - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (1):1-42.
  9.  26
    Philosophy of nature.Jacques Maritain & Yves René Marie Simon - 1951 - New York,: Philosophical Library. Edited by Yves Simon.
  10.  15
    Freedom of choice.Yves René Marie Simon - 1969 - New York,: Fordham University Press. Edited by Peter Wolff.
    From the Foreward by Mortimer J. Adler Of all the question or issues concerning human freedom, none is more fundamental in itself and in its consequences than the problem of free choice; and none has been the subject of more persistent and, at the same time, apparently irresolvable controversyThis bookis the perfect antidote for the errors, the misunderstandings or worse, the ignorances that beset the modern discussion of free choice. Even the reader who comes to this book with little or (...)
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  11.  69
    Philosophy of Nature.Maritain's Philosophy of the Sciences.George Boas, Jacques Maritain, Imelda C. Byrne & Yves R. Simon - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (7):247.
  12.  69
    Liberty and Authority.Yves R. Simon - 1940 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 16:86.
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    A Correction.Yves R. Simon - 1957 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 32 (1):160-160.
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    A critique of moral knowledge.Yves René Marie Simon - 2002 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This long-awaited book is the first English-language edition of.Simon’s first book, Critique de la connaissance morale (1934). Not only does this work clarify the first stages of Simon’s intellectual career, it is also a major contribution to moral philosophy. A Critique of Moral Knowledge addresses fundamental issues. How does moral knowledge differ from other practical knowledge? What is the relationship between the moral sense, moral philosophy, and cognition in action? Is politics moral philosophy or simply a neutral technique? This elegant (...)
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    A Comment on Censorship.Yves R. Simon - 1977 - International Philosophical Quarterly 17 (1):33-42.
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    Aristotelian Demonstration and Postulation Method.Yves R. Simon & Karl Menger - 1948 - Modern Schoolman 25 (3):183-192.
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    An Introduction to Metaphysics of Knowledge.Yves R. Simon - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    The present volume is the product of several years of collaboration at a distance between two people who both knew Yres R. Simon personally and admired his work. The question raised by Simon more than half a century ago, when this book was first published, are still with us: What is the nature of knowledge? What kind of activity is it to know? What is involved in the development of human knowledge? If one had to describe Simon's accomplishment by reducing (...)
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  18. Beyond the Crisis of Liberalism.Yves R. Simon - 1942 - In Robert Edward Brennan, Essays in Thomism. Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. pp. 46--47.
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    Critique de la connaissance morale.Yves René Marie Simon - 1934 - Paris,: Desclée, de Brouwer et cie.
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  20. Community of the free.Yves Rene Marie Simon - 1947 - New York,: H. Holt. Edited by Willard R. Trask.
  21.  13
    Documentation - A Voice from the Past.Yves R. Simon - 1988 - New Scholasticism 62 (4):467-471.
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    Freedom and Community.Yves R. Simon - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    The theory of liberty here propounded by Simon, along with his analysis of authority, democracy, and practical wisdom, contains the elements of a political philosophy that can provide direction to other contemporary political theorists of our times. While the latter have gathered great masses of political facts, they have lacked a normative set of ideas that can make these facts meaningful and useful to political society. Simon's position as a philosopher rather than as a political scientist, is that while there (...)
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  23.  11
    Foresight and knowledge.Yves René Marie Simon - 1996 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by R. C. Nelson & Anthony O. Simon.
    For Yves R. Simon, philosophy has an affinity to science, not in the sense that philosophy is a mere metascience, a commentary on the sciences, but rather because it shares the same aim as science: the search for explanation. The philosophy Simon espouses is philosophical realism which, following Jacques Maritain, he prefers to call critical realism. Against the prejudice that only some version of philosophical idealism, be it critical or absolute, is capable of understanding positive science. Simon, in Foresight and (...)
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  24.  40
    Foreword to Foresight and Knowledge.Yves R. Simon - 1992 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (3):321-330.
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    From the Science of Nature to the Science of Society.Yves R. Simon - 1953 - New Scholasticism 27 (3):280-304.
  26.  51
    Introduction to the Study of Practical Wisdom.Yves R. Simon - 1961 - New Scholasticism 35 (1):1-40.
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  27. La dispute doctrinale entre l'Église et la démocratie.Yves R. Simon & Clément Hubert - 2012 - Nova et Vetera 87 (3):301-331.
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    Mes Premiers Souvenirs de Jacques Maritain.Yves R. Simon - 1982 - New Scholasticism 56 (2):200-206.
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    On Art and Morality.Yves R. Simon - 1961 - New Scholasticism 35 (3):338-341.
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    On the Foreseeability of Free Acts.Yves R. Simon - 1948 - New Scholasticism 22 (4):357-370.
  31.  7
    Personality and Opinion.Yves R. Simon - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (2):80-93.
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  32.  24
    Some Remarks on the Object of Physical Knowledge.Yves R. Simon - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (3):275-283.
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  33.  13
    The Doctrinal Issue Between the Church and Democracy.Yves R. Simon - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (1):132-164.
  34.  5
    Traité du libre arbitre.Yves René Marie Simon - 1951 - Liège,: Sciences et lettres.
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  35.  12
    The Ethiopian Campaign and French Political Thought.Yves R. Simon & A. James McAdams - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "While it is true that Yves R. Simon did not intend this to be a history book, The Ethiopian Campaign and French Political Thought is an important historical work well deserving of a close reading by students of twentieth-century European history and international relations. This book, which finds a worthy English translation after too many years, was Simon's first serious foray into the public square on the side of justice and the common good. Simon's analysis is wide-ranging, incisive, and brimming (...)
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    The great dialogue of nature and space.Yves René Marie Simon - 1970 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Gerard J. Dalcourt.
    From the moment Mary Poppins arrives at Number Seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane, everyday life at the Banks house is forever changed. This classic series tells the story of the world's most beloved nanny, who brings enchantment and excitement with her everywhere she goes. Featuring the charming original cover art by Mary Shepard, these new editions are sure to delight readers of all ages. Mary Poppins reappears just in time! According to her tape measure, Jane and Michael have grown "Worse and Worse" (...)
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    Three Lectures by Yves R. Simon Condensed by the Editor.Yves R. Simon - 1948 - Renascence 1 (1):35-39.
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  38. The Nature and Process of Mathematical Abstraction.Yves R. Simon - 1965 - The Thomist 29 (2):117.
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    (1 other version)The Philosopher’s Calling.Yves R. Simon - 1958 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 32:29-34.
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  40.  51
    The Problem of Transcendence and Proudhon's Challenge.Yves R. Simon - 1979 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 54 (2):176-185.
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  41.  54
    The Rationality of the Christian Faith.Yves R. Simon - 1956 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 31 (4):495-508.
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  42.  10
    The Vienna Circle: Meaning and objectivity.Yves R. Simon - 1994 - Semiotica 102 (3-4):279-294.
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    Philosopher at Work: Essays.Yves René Marie Simon (ed.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Like no other philosopher of this century, the late Yves R. Simon grappled with philosophical issues that still carry weight today. This collection of his essays explores an impressive range of genuinely foundational topics of philosophical inquiry. These essays discuss, among other topics, the relationship between faith and reason, the nature of sensation, and the various meanings of work. SimonOs significant contribution to philosophy through these varied essays is unquestionable, and this is the first such collection of his works. Philosopher (...)
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  44.  45
    Between Physics and Philosophy. [REVIEW]Yves R. Simon - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (2):329-331.
  45. Community of the Free. By Paul Weiss. [REVIEW]Yves R. Simon - 1947 - Ethics 58:218.
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